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St. Gregory Catholic Elementary School
"We Care, We Share, We Dare !"
  • St. Gregory Catholic Elementary School
  • 1075 Swinbourne Drive
  • Mississauga ON , L5V 1B9
  • Principal: Natalie Foster
  • Vice Principal(s): Janette Roy

  • Superintendents: Peter Cusumano
  • Trustee: Luz del Rosario (Mississauga Ward 11)
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School Council

​The St. Gregory Catholic School Council is very active and integral to the St. Gregory School Community. The Catholic School Council is committed and dedicated to the everyday life of St. Gregory School. The Council meets regularly and all parents are welcomed and encouraged to participate, and contribute to the CSC Newsletter. The Catholic School Council is active throughout the school year with: family events, fundraising, milk program, pizza lunches, acts of charity, volunteers, communication, beautification, and sacramental preparation. Many of the initiatives provided by Catholic School Council support our literacy and numeracy program. Ongoing communication with the community is a priority and is maintained through Catholic School Council newsletters, display case and a suggestion box in the foyer. Many parent volunteers support the Kiss and Ride Program, All -Star Reading, the milk program and are classroom helpers. The students, parents and staff benefit by the positive and collaborative relationship of the St. Gregory Catholic School Council.


Catholic School Council Members 2023-2024

Chairperson:                            G. Charles-Fedee

Treasurer:                                  C. Aziz

Secretaries:                               C. Pereira

Parish Representative:               N. Andrade

OAPCE Representative:             L. Tibi-Isiekwena

Teaching Representatives:         M. Palache, E. Langenfelds

Non-Teaching Representative:  L. Webb

Thank you to:  S. Petrini Torres, R. Desa, A. Dillomes and N. De Menna for being part of this year's Council.

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