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Father Michael Goetz Catholic Secondary School
"Take a risk. Get involved. Be committed."
  • Father Michael Goetz Catholic Secondary School
  • 330 Central Parkway West
  • Mississauga ON , L5B 3K6
  • Principal: Sharon Allegretto
  • Vice Principal(s): Vincenzo Angaran
    Jennifer Kingshott

  • Superintendents: Dulcie Belchior
  • Trustee: Bruno Iannicca (Mississauga Ward 7)
    Stefano Pascucci (Mississauga Ward 4)
    Luz del Rosario (Mississauga Ward 6)
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Student Involvement and Representation

Co-curricular Awards Programme 

Each student is challenged to personally participate in and be committed to a particular school activity.  The Co-curricular Awards Programme offers the incentive for each student to become an active member in the Fr. Michael Goetz community.  In so doing, the programme provides each student with community recognition of an individual merit, talent, or accomplishment.  It thus offers motivation for each student to establish goals and pursue excellence in accordance with individual ability.  

Eligibility for Co-curricular Activities  

All students who represent Fr. Michael Goetz Catholic Secondary School are expected to maintain an academic standard. Participation in any co-curricular activity is a privilege.

At Father Michael Goetz Catholic Secondary School we encourage all students to exercise a healthy balance between academic demands, social responsibilities and extra-curricular opportunities.  The school cautions students to exercise restraint in over-committing and attempting too many activities that ma compromise academic achievement.  

A student who does not fulfill their obligations to his/her academic program will automatically be placed under review.   

Reasons for being placed under review:

  • A deliberate failure to attend class.
  • If at any time a student is failing or has failed 2 or more courses.
  • If school administration and staff feel a student has not maintained a healthy balance. 

The Athletic Committee will undertake the review.  The result of the review which will involve the student, the course teachers and the advisor/coach, may include:

  • removal of the student from the activity;
  • suspension of the student from the activity until academics improve;
  • placing the student on notice that progress will be monitored and the student may continue with the activity as long as the course teacher reports steady improvement.
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