The School Dress Code/Uniform Policy outlined below has been developed within the guidelines of the General Administrative Procedures (#500) of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, and has been endorsed by our Catholic School Council.
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is committed to communicating Catholic ideals and values to our students. We strive to achieve the personal and social values that are attached to appropriate dress. As a Catholic community we are, therefore, committed to standards simplicity, neatness, attractiveness, modesty, equity, and good taste.
By choosing to attend a Dufferin-Peel Catholic Secondary School, students and their parents have made a series and long-term commitment to Catholic education. The uniform is part of that commitment. It is a reflection of who we are, how we see ourselves, and how others see our school. It unites us as a community. A school uniform should be worn proudly and must be worn in good repair. The Father Michael Goetz uniform policy of the school must be strictly adhered to.
Uniform Expectations
- Students are to be in full uniform every day upon arrival at school until they leave at the end of the day. Students must be in full uniform to attend classes. The uniform must be worn in the school at all times and in all areas of the school.
- A student out of uniform is expected to report to the office before the start of his/her day to rectify the situation.
- Students who repeatedly violate the Uniform Policy are also in violation of the Catholic Code of Conduct.
Expectations of “Civvies Days”
- Participation in civies days is voluntary; those students not participating are expected to be in full uniform.
- Appropriate and modest dress is expected. Students who do not comply will be sent home to change. No inappropriate slogans, no tank tops, no bare midriffs, no short shorts or skirts, no tight clothing, no tops with deep or open necklines, no bare shoulders. No headwear is to be worn in the building. Religious headwar is permitted if worn consistently and correctly.
Take pride in being a Gator and display it by being in full uniform each and every day. Students out of uniform risk being sent home to change or they face another consequence.
For All Students:
- Must be purchased at RJ McCarthy
- Grade 9 Students must wear the Green RJ McCarthy shirt (short or long sleeve)
- Grade 10 - 12 students can wear White RJ McCarthy golf shirt with Goetz logo, short or long sleeve
- Plain white undershirts only may be worn under the golf shirt (purchased anywhere)
- Must be purchased at RJ McCarthy
- Green Zip Sweatshirt with Goetz logo (crest) or
- Green V-Neck Vest with Goetz logo (crest) or
- Grey Crew Neck with Goetz logo
- Tops cannot be cut or altered
- Must be purchased at RJ McCarthy
- Grade 9 students must wear black dress pants with Gator monogram
- Grade 10 - 12 students can wear Navy dress pants with Gator monogram
- Pants must be worn at the waist, and not tucked into socks
Leg Wear:
- Solid Coloured Socks (opaque green, white, black or navy blue)
- Socks must be worn. Bare feet in shoes are NOT allowed.
- Solid black closed shoes, closed toe and heal, worn under the ankle (no coloured laces, designs, bars, logos, trim etc) May be purchased anywhere.
- Boots, sandals, flip flops, crocs or slippers are not allowed in the classroom.
- No headwear is allowed in the school building (including Civvies Days). Caps cannot be snapped onto the student uniform as an accessory.
- Hats, caps may be confiscated.
- Religious headwear is allowed if worn consistently and correctly. Religious headwear must be only in solid colours of dark blue, dark green, black or white.
- Safe discreet jewelry, but no wallet chains and headphones.
- Jackets, coats or any non-uniform sweaters are not to be worn in the cafeteria.