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Father Michael Goetz Catholic Secondary School
"Take a risk. Get involved. Be committed."
  • Father Michael Goetz Catholic Secondary School
  • 330 Central Parkway West
  • Mississauga ON , L5B 3K6
  • Principal: Sharon Allegretto
  • Vice Principal(s): Vincenzo Angaran
    Jennifer Kingshott

  • Superintendents: Dulcie Belchior
  • Trustee: Bruno Iannicca (Mississauga Ward 7)
    Stefano Pascucci (Mississauga Ward 4)
    Luz del Rosario (Mississauga Ward 6)
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Campus Ministry

Father Michael Goetz Catholic Secondary School Chaplaincy


All staff and students are welcomed into the chapel area for private prayer and reflection.

Individual Counselling and Spiritual Direction

The confidentiality of our office is a priority. The Campus Ministry Team Leader (the Chaplain) is available for individual counselling and spiritual direction.  Appointments can be made by dropping by the office before classes, at lunch time, or after school.

Liturgical and Prayer Life

We help animate daily prayer over the intercom and in the classes. There are monthly school liturgies and non-Eucharistic celebrations. The Advent and Lenten liturgical seasons are highlighted and students are challenged to enter into these special times of the Church year. Every grade level will have the opportunity of a chapel visit to discuss key issues affecting students; their faith life, spirituality and personal concerns.

Bereavement Support Group

Supportive peer group sessions are offered to students who have experienced the death of someone close to them. This programme is a joint effort of Student Services and Chaplaincy.

Ministry of Presence

A large part of the work of Campus Ministry is being available to students, staff and families‑-‑within the school, in the cafeteria and in the halls. We follow an open door policy in the office.

Ministry to the Sick and the Bereaved

We make hospital visits for those in our community who are sick. At the time of death, we make visits to the funeral home, attend the funeral, or visit the home.  Supportive counselling is provided.

Social Justice Awareness

Students are encouraged and challenged to be conscious of the poor and needy through programmes which we provide.  Guest speakers, class discussions, and other experiences are encouraged. 

Staff Spiritual Animation

We help plan and animate teacher retreats and liturgical celebrations. Our office is also a resource area for teachers and students.

Student Programmes

Campus Ministry seeks to establish meaningful outreach programmes for all students.

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