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Father Michael Goetz Catholic Secondary School
"Take a risk. Get involved. Be committed."
  • Father Michael Goetz Catholic Secondary School
  • 330 Central Parkway West
  • Mississauga ON , L5B 3K6
  • Principal: Sharon Allegretto
  • Vice Principal(s): Vincenzo Angaran
    Jennifer Kingshott

  • Superintendents: Dulcie Belchior
  • Trustee: Bruno Iannicca (Mississauga Ward 7)
    Stefano Pascucci (Mississauga Ward 4)
    Luz del Rosario (Mississauga Ward 6)
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Student Success

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It's up to you and, we are here to help!

The staff of Father Michael Goetz Catholic Secondary School believes and works hard to promote the idea that every student has the opportunity to be successful.   

The Goetz Student Success Team leads school efforts toward student achievement and presently consists of the following staff members:  

  • The Principal  (Sharon Allegretto​)
  • The Student Success Teachers (SSTs) 
  • 1 Full-time SST 
  • 1 Part-time SST/Part-time Guidance Counselor  
  • The Guidance/ Alt. Ed./ILCs  Department Head  (Norm St. Louis) 
  • The Special Education Department Head  (Sanja Banjavcic) 
  • The ESL/ELL Lead Teacher  (Peter Bird)

Everybody wants to succeed, but the students who do so, are willing to make the necessary effort to get there.  Attendance at school and in class is a very important part of this effort.  Parents must actively support school efforts to help their children attain success.   

Academic success is a team effort and a cause for celebration by all.


*The not-so-magic formula for student success =

Wise Course Selection + Attendance  +  Effort + Asking for help as needed

** 16 credits by age 16  **


The fewer credits you have by age 16 (by the end of grade 10 for most), the greater the chance that you will not graduate high school on schedule.

So aim to pass all of your courses and, if you do happen to fail, do NOT give up; instead, catch up – and as quickly as possible! 

We wish you great success at Goetz!


Power Hour Peer Tutoring

Power Hour Powerpoint Fall2024(7).png

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