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Father Michael Goetz Catholic Secondary School
"Take a risk. Get involved. Be committed."
  • Father Michael Goetz Catholic Secondary School
  • 330 Central Parkway West
  • Mississauga ON , L5B 3K6
  • Principal: Sharon Allegretto
  • Vice Principal(s): Vincenzo Angaran
    Jennifer Kingshott

  • Superintendents: Dulcie Belchior
  • Trustee: Bruno Iannicca (Mississauga Ward 7)
    Stefano Pascucci (Mississauga Ward 4)
    Luz del Rosario (Mississauga Ward 6)
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Registration Process

​Parents moving into catchment area: 

  1. Review Board policy on website.   
  2. Registration takes place in Student Services, 
  3. Parent(s) provides proof of address (for example: leasing agreement, driver’s license or utility bill etc...),  and proof of child’s age, 
  4. Parent is given the registration package to be filled completed and returned (including student uniform information ), 
  5. Upon completion of package, Guidance counselor makes an appointment with parent(s) and student, 
  6. If student is from out of country (ELL), school appointment will be made by Assessment Center. 
  7. Guidance counselor and/or Vice Principal meet with parent(s) and student, 
  8. Courses are selected and student timetable is confirmed. 
  9. Parent(s) pays student activity fee. 
  10. Student attends school in full uniform upon agreed date.
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