A Year of Virtues in Safe, Caring, and Inclusive School Communities
The notion of virtue is deeply rooted in Catholic Christian tradition. A virtue is a habit or established capability to perform good actions according to a moral standard. In other words, a virtue is a habit that shows people and God that I am a good person. Virtue is increased by practice and prayer. By practicing the virtues, we develop habits of goodness that prepare us to contribute to the good of our school communities and of all people.
In a school community, virtue formation contributes to a healthy positive learning environment by fostering a climate in which all members feel safe, confident, and hope-filled about themselves, their relationships and their futures. By praying, we receive the grace of God to continue to concentrate on finding ways to follow Jesus' example in all that we say and do.
As this year goes by we will work together and grow together to become an even greater school. We'll try to become a more virtuous and safe school.
Each month we will look at developing one of these virtues:
September - Faith | February - Respect |
October - Empathy | March - Kindness |
November - Conscience | April - Love |
December - Hope | May - Acceptance |
January - Self-Control | June - Fairness |
The Ontario Catholic School Graduation Expectations provide an image of the Catholic learner and a vision for the graduate of Catholic schools in Ontario. These distinctive expectations are shaped by a vision and destiny of the human person that emerges from the Catholic faith tradition and is best understood within the context of a human journey accomplished in community, in solidarity with brothers and sisters in the Church, and beyond. These expectations provide the broader vision within which the Catholic Code of Conduct is situated.
The Ontario Catholic School Graduate is expected to be:
- A discerning believer formed in the Catholic faith community who celebrates the signs and sacred mystery of God's presence through word, sacrament, prayer, forgiveness, reflection and moral living.
- An effective communicator who speaks, writes, and listens honestly and sensitively, responding critically in light of gospel values.
- A reflective, creative and holistic thinker who solves problems and makes responsible decisions with an informed moral conscience for the common good.
- A self-directed, responsible, lifelong learner who develops and demonstrates their God-given potential.
- A collaborative contributor who finds meaning, dignity and vocation in work, which respects the rights of all and contributes to the common good.
- A caring family member who attends to family, school, parish and the wider community.
- A responsible citizen who gives witness to Catholic social teaching by promoting peace, justice and the sacredness of human life.