Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP) for 2023-2027
As per Ministry of Education requirements, we'd like your feedback on the goals, action steps, and strategies associated with each of the MYSP values of Believe, Excel, Respect, Thrive, and Trust. The survey will close on Friday, June 14.
Peel Public Health
School Dental Screening
The Team from Peel Public Health will be here at St Edmund!
More information for parents and guardians can be found PPH_School_Dental_Screening_Information_for_School_Staff_(3)[1].pdf.
French Immersion Program Information Sessions
Posted on: 11/8/23
DPCDSB’s 2024-2025 French Immersion Program Virtual Information Sessions
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board (DPCDSB) will hold two virtual public information meetings for parents and guardians interested in enrolling their child(ren) in the board’s Grade 1 French Immersion Program for the 2024-2025 school year.
The information sessions will provide parents and guardians with the following:
- an overview of the French Immersion Program,
- criteria for admission,
- information about the online application process,
- information about the random selection process (should the number of applications exceed the number of spaces available).
DPCDSB currently offers the Grade 1 French Immersion Program at eight school sites. Students registered in this Grade 1 program will spend 90% of their year learning in the French language. All subjects and activities in the French Immersion classroom, except for Religion and Family Life, will be delivered in French. In Grades 2 and 3, 70% of the instruction will be in French, with the proportion of English increasing to 50% in later years. This means that after at least 3,800 hours of French instruction by the end of Grade 8, students will be able to participate adequately in French conversations and develop intercultural awareness of French-speaking communities.
Virtual information sessions for parents/guardians will be held on two different evenings based on region of interest. We ask that parents/guardians attend only one of the following online sessions:
BRAMPTON & MISSISSAUGA(Our Lady of Providence C.E.S., St. Angela Merici C.E.S., St. Joachim C.E.S., St. Pio of Pietrelcina C.E.S.)
Tuesday December 5, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.
Microsoft Teams Online MeetingMISSISSAUGA(All Saints C.E.S., Divine Mercy C.E.S., St. Elizabeth Seton C.E.S., St. Gregory C.E.S.)
Thursday December 7, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.
Microsoft Teams Online MeetingNote about Microsoft Teams: For optimal access, use a computer device (desktop, laptop or Chromebook) or use the Microsoft Teams App.For more information, visit the
French Immersion webpage.
Kindergarten Journey into Learning
Our St. Edmund Catholic Community looks forward to welcoming our newest wildcats this fall.
We invite our students and their families to take some time to view this informational slideshow our school has put together for you.
The upcoming slides represent the Kindergarten Program that has been offered pre-pandemic. The program will look different different as a response to the pandemic protocols. As always, your chld's safety will be our outmost concern.
We invite our students and their families to take some time to view this informational slideshow our school has put together for you.
Our slideshow may be viewed here in PDF:
*Please note, our School's Parish is St. Patrick.
Please return to this website and follow St. Edmund on Twitter @edmund_st and @DPCDSBSchools for the most up to date information concerning school start up in September.
We look forward to welcoming our new and returning Wildcats!
Hot & Cold Weather Plan
St. Edmund will follow the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and Peel Health guidelines during the hot weather. Some of the measures we will take are:
- Monitor heat advisories and adjust activities as necessary and possible;
- Remind everyone to wear light clothing; a broad brimmed hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen;
- Remind everyone to drink plenty of water (several of our fountains have bottle filling stations);
- Keep physical activity down during the hot periods of the day;
- Encourage students to seek shade during recess periods;
- When possible ensure indoor temperatures are comfortable by keeping blinds/curtains drawn, keep all windows open, and use authorized circulating fans; as well as,
- Rotate classes through our air conditioned library.
- The conditions of the field are monitored regularly and we make the best decision for students and staff
At -20 to -24 degrees, time outside will be limited to a maximum of 20 minutes.
At -25 degrees or colder, students will remain inside.
We would like to remind all students to dress appropriately for the season by wearing the proper winter attire which includes hats, gloves/mitts, winter coats and boots.
At 35-39 degrees, time outside is limited to a maximum of 20 minutes.
At 40 degrees or above, students will remain inside.
Staff will be made aware of the signs and symptoms of heat stroke, heat exhaustion and heat cramps and directed to follow first aid procedures promptly.
Please assist us by having your child wear a hat, loose fitting clothing, sunglasses, and by putting sunscreen on them in the morning. Students are invited to bring in a refillable water bottle.
Hot Weather Guidelines Schools.pdf
Hot and Cold Weather Plan St. Edmund 2022-2023.pdf