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St. Edmund Catholic Elementary School
"Body - Mind - Spirit"
  • St. Edmund Catholic Elementary School
  • 1250 Melton Drive
  • Mississauga ON , L4Y 1L5
  • Principal: Mark Trozzo
  • Vice Principal(s): Christine Fernandes

  • Superintendents: Drago Radic
  • Trustee: Mario Pascucci (Mississauga Ward 1)
+More School Info
School Site 


St. Edmund Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week 2024

St Edmund Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week 2024.JPG

Download a copy of the poster below:

St. Edmund ‘s Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week 2024.pdf

St. Edmund Open House will take place on Thursday, September 19th from 5:30-7:00pm!

St. Edmund Open House (1).png


Terry Fox Walk takes place on September 24th!

Our school goal is $1300 and if our school reaches this goal, 

Mr. Trozzo and Ms. Fernandes will be getting pied in the face!!

We would be very thankful for any donations made to the 

Terry Fox organization on St. Edmund School's behalf:

Past Events

April 2nd to April 5th is Autism Spirit Week at St Edmund​

World Autism Day is celebrated on April 2nd   

The day aims to shine a light on autism and increase awareness about, understanding, and acceptance of people living with autism and those who love and support them.   

We will kick off the week (Tuesday April 2nd) with "Teaming Up for Autism" where we can wear our favourite sport shirt or sport colours. ​

​Download a copy of the flyer Autism Awareness Spirit Week - Attachment_ PDF_ Autism Awareness Spirit Week.pdf.

Autism Awareness Spirit Week.JPG

It's Christmas Spirit Week at St Edmund!

Download the flyer HERE: St Edmund Christmas Spirit Week (1).pdf

St Edmund Christmas Spirit Week (1).jpg

Anti-Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week was Recognized Nov 20-23rd, 2023 at St Edmund!​

Download the flyer HERE: Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week 2023.pdf

St Edmund Bullying Awareness -  Prevention Week 2023.jpg


On November 11th at 11:00am

we celebrated a moment of silence.

​Thank you to Mrs. Anisko-Clutton, Mr. Ellsworth and Ms. Solorzano's students for a beautiful and touching Remembrance Day virtual Liturgical Service.



Treaties Recognition Week: Nov 5th -11th

The first week in November is Treaties Recognition Week was introduced to recognize and understand the importance of treaty education and to help everyone in Ontario learn about treaty.

  • Treaties are legal agreements made between two or more Nations.
  • Treaty-making preceded North American settlement and has allowed for the peaceful settlement of Canada.
  • Treaty outlines the terms, relationship and conditions of settlement in Indigenous Territories. 
  • Everyone has a responsibility for knowing and upholding Treaty obligations.

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples recognizes, “the urgent need to respect and promote the rights of Indigenous peoples affirmed in treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements with States”


Past School and Board Events

 grad cap.jpg

Congratulations to all of our St Edmund Graduates! We are proud of YOU!

Special shout out to our Honour Roll Achievers for our 2022-23 school year!





Join us in singing "Nurturing Hope" which was written and recorded by our own DPCDSB Educator Nancy Bodsworth in celebration of Catholic Education in Ontario.





Suggested Family Activities for Nurturing Hope

Each day, we can do simple activities, individually or as a family, to act on the hope that dwells within us. These are suggestions for simple activities to reinforce hope for ourselves and others.

  • Plant some seeds in peat pots and put them near a window. Document their growth on a chart.

  • Have a family garden planning party. Draw out the plot of the garden and order seeds or buy them at the grocery store. Research when seeds need to be planted in preparation for spring.

  • Take part in a bird count or animal count. Go to Observation Nation (

  • Learn about saints who taught us about the environment. St. Kateri Tekakwitha, St. Francis of Assissi, St. Benedict of Nursia and St. Hildegard of Bingen are examples.

  • Make a birdfeeder out of a milk carton or a plastic pop bottle, hang it outside on a tree and see which bird species come to the feeder.

  • Go for a Nature Walk as a family and pray together to thank God for all the beauty you see.

  • Look at the calendar and note the first day of spring. How many days is it until spring comes?

  • Do some research as a family on the night sky. Choose a moment when it is clear to see if you can identify some constellations.

  • Write letters to family members that you haven’t been able to see for awhile.

  • Create a fancy message of hope in chalk on your driveway or sidewalk for passersby to read or create a poster to put in a window.

  • Write a postcard or note of thanks for frontline healthcare workers and drop this in the mailbox for a local hospital.

  • Bake cookies and deliver them to your neighbourhood grocery store for workers to share.

  • Make cards or draw pictures for seniors in your community.

  • Music makes us happy. Create a playlist of happy music, play this in your backyard or if you are able, send it to a family member whom you miss.

  • Make a video or a recording, singing a favourite hymn. Send this to your parish priest. He needs support at this time.

  • Look in your bible or go online to make a list of psalms that give hope.

  • Write an acrostic poem about Hope…H is for happiness, O is for ongoing, P is for…etc.

  • Write words of hope on index cards or paper and hang them from a tree in your yard for others to read.

  • Go for a walk past your local parish. Stop in front of your church and say a prayer for your faith community.

  • Look through a newspaper for stories of hope and talk about the stories.

  • Put messages of hope on social media.  Use the hashtags:  #CEW2021 #NurturingHope

 Download/print this page to keep on the go: Suggested-Family-Activities-for-Nurturing-Hope.docx


International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8th

She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future. Proverbs 31:25

On Monday, March 8, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will recognize International Women’s Day. This year’s theme is #ChooseToChallenge

A challenged world is an alert world. Individually, we are all responsible for our own thoughts and actions - all day, every day.  We can all choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality. We can all choose to seek out and celebrate women's achievements. Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world.

From challenge comes change, so let's all choose to challenge.

Show your support and solidarity

Join us on March 8 and raise your hand high to show that you commit to choose to challenge and call out inequality.

Strike the Choose To Challenge pose and share on social media using #ChooseToChallenge #DPCDSB_IWD2021 to encourage others to commit to helping forge an inclusive world.


The DPCDSB community, including staff, students and families, are also encouraged to share their own reflections on a woman who inspires them and how they honour this woman by choosing to challenge change.

Who is a woman who inspires you?

Why does she inspire you?

What are three qualities she has?

How will you honour her by choosing to challenge change?

Post your thoughts, reflections, messages, pictures and videos on social media using #ChooseToChallenge and #DPCDSB_IWD2021.

“Women make the world beautiful; they protect it and keep it alive.” – Pope Francis 




Congratulations to ALL our graduating St. Edmund students.


Please view our list of Award Recipients and our Honour Roll Achievers for our 2019-2020 school year:

GRAD AWARDS – 2020.pdf

Please take some time to view our lovely Virtual Graduation Ceremony through this Google Drive link.

More information regarding the postponed graduation ceremony will be released as details become avaliable in the fall.


Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence in Catholic Education – Video/Song  

This year marked a historic milestone for the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board (DPCDSB), as we celebrated our 50th Anniversary. For five decades, our Board has provided a Catholic Education to generations of children and become an integral part of communities in Peel Region and Dufferin County. We have grown from 27 founding schools, to becoming one of the largest and most diverse Catholic school boards in Ontario with 151 schools, serving over 80,000 students and employing over 10,000 people. This development is a testament to decades of commitment from our trustees, pastors, staff, students, and their parents/guardians to Catholic education.

Over the course of 2019, DPCDSB marked this incredible milestone with a number of events and initiatives, including a Celebration Dinner, a commemorative song “We Believe” written and performed by Nancy Boss, teacher at St. Joan of Arc C.S.S. and a video “We Believe – 50 Years of Catholic Education” produced by Salt+Light Television.


Follow  us on Twitter @edmund_st for our daily updates!

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