Main Phone 905-789-5560
Academic Resource - x79106
Art - x79148
Business - x 79102
Chaplaincy - x79141
Computers - x79240
Co-op - x79100
Drama - x79126
English - x79327
Library - x79144
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Modern Languages - x79335
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Science - x79328
Social Science - x79332
Student Success - x79104
Technology - x79130
Academic Resource Dept Info
Students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) have access to the Academic Resource Room (room 112), supported by certified Special Education Teachers. The Resource Room is an alternative space to receive accommodations as outlined on the student's IEP, for class work or assessment purposes. Access to the Resource Room is voluntary, but highly encouraged. It is important to remember that students who wish to access the Resource Room must first report to their regular classrooms to take attendance.
Arrive Prepared
Students must come to the Resource Room prepared to work with all materials: pencils, calculator, handouts, text- books, assignments, etc.
Following Sabrina's Law, food and drink (other than water) are NOT ALLOWED in the Resource Room. For Health and Safety purposes and accessibility purposes, we would like for students to keep their backpacks in their classrooms or lockers.
Cell phones and Smart Watches are not to be on any person writing an assessment.
Students writing assessments in the Academic Resource Room are allocated up to a maximum of double time. This may result in an assessment being chunked over the span of two days. For exams, students in grades 9 & 10 receive up to a maximum of 3 hours and students in grades 11 & 12 receive up to a maximum of 4 hours.
For quizzes and tests, students must let their classroom teachers know they wish to write in the Resource Room a minimum of two working days in advance. If a student requires Assistive Technology during their assessments, the teacher will require a minimum of 3 working days' notice, as electronic versions must be prepared in advance.
On the day of the assessment, students are to report to their regular classroom for attendance purposes.
The subject teacher is ALWAYS the subject expert and the best person to support the needs of a student. We therefore, encourage students who are writings test for such subjects as French, Math, Science, Technology and Computers to write their tests with their subject teachers unless assistive technology/use of a computer is a factor.
Only students with the accommodation of "Memory Aids" on their IEP are allowed to use one during assessments. Students are to consult with their classroom teacher in advance to determine what is permitted on the Memory Aid. Memory Aids must be prepared in advance and approved/initialed by the classroom teacher a minimum of one day in advance. The Academic Resource Department will only accept Memory Aids submitted by the classroom teacher. A copy of the school template is provided below. For all assessments, only 1 page is allowed, single-sided for quizzes and double-sided for tests/exams.
Memory Aid Template d'Youville.pdf