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Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Secondary School
"One Through Prayer and Learning"
  • Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Secondary School
  • 3700 Trelawny Circle
  • Mississauga ON , L5N 5J7
  • Principal: Jennifer Varnam
  • Vice Principal(s): Jeff Quenneville
    Mary Ambrogi

  • Superintendents: Peter Cusumano
  • Trustee: Brea Corbet (Mississauga Ward 10, 9)
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Student Password Reset Tool


Before your password expires (you will be asked to choose a new password every 90 days) it is a good idea to register for the Password Self Reset Tool. This is useful in case you forget your password or get locked out. You will be able to reset your password yourself.

Click the following link for instructions on how to register for t​​he​ tool.

​​Password Rese​t Tool​​ ​​​

​​Orientation Video​

Click on the following video for students who want a vi​rtual tour of our school.

​​​​ OLMC Orientation Video​​​​

Uniform Policy​

Click on the following document to review our school's uniform policy.

​ ​ ​​ ​​ ​Uniform Policy​​​​

Carmel Spirit​​

CarmelSpirit2.jpg ​

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