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Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Secondary School
"One Through Prayer and Learning"
  • Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Secondary School
  • 3700 Trelawny Circle
  • Mississauga ON , L5N 5J7
  • Principal: Jennifer Varnam
  • Vice Principal(s): Jeff Quenneville
    Mary Ambrogi

  • Superintendents: Peter Cusumano
  • Trustee: Brea Corbet (Mississauga Ward 10, 9)
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Immunization Record​​

Is your child’s immunization record up to date?

You may be receiving a letter from Peel Public Health to update your child’s immunization record. It is important that you respond to this letter by calling or faxing Peel Public Health to provide your child’s immunization information.

The annual screening, which is required by law, ensures children are protected from a number of vaccine preventable disease. All Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board students missing mandatory immunizations (i.e., Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio, Measles, Mumps and Rubella) on their records will need to update their records, or provide a valid exemption, to avoid suspension.

You don’t need to wait to get the letter to update your child’s records. You can report every time your child receives an immunization. Many parents believe their child’s vaccines are reported by their doctor, school or child-care facility but in fact, parent’s are responsible for reporting their child’s vaccines. Schools and childcare facilities only forward immunization records to Peel Public Health at the time of initial registration.

Similarly, vaccines are not reported between health units. This means, if your child changes to a school in a new region, you need to contact the local health unit of the new school to report your child’s immunizations.

To ensure your child’s immunization records are up-to-date, follow the tips below or call Peel Public Health for more information at 905-799-7700.

Tips on keeping your child’s immunization record up to date:

  1. Check common reasons for an incomplete record.
  2. Review the Routine Immunization Schedule for Ontario and compare it to your child’s record (find it on the immunization yellow card or your doctor’s office). Check to see if this student is missing vaccine dose(s) for his/her age. The vaccines with a checkmark on the immunization schedule are mandatory.
  3. Visit your family doctor or walk-in clinic to get any doses of the mandatory vaccines your child may be missing.
  4. Report all vaccine doses your child has received, which are missing from his/her record, to Peel Public Health. Update your records by using only one of the following ways:

Fax records to: 905-565-0426, or

Call 905-799-7700 (Caledon residents call 905-584-2216)

Please make sure all faxed records clearly indicate the first and last name of the student, date of birth, school enrolled in and provide a phone number where you can be reached.


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