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Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Secondary School
"One Through Prayer and Learning"
  • Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Secondary School
  • 3700 Trelawny Circle
  • Mississauga ON , L5N 5J7
  • Principal: Jennifer Varnam
  • Vice Principal(s): Mary Ambrogi
    Denis Radetic

  • Superintendents: Laura Odo
  • Trustee: Brea Corbet (Mississauga Ward 10, 9)
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Attendance Information


​​Regular attendance is an important component of the process of learning and of the evaluation of student achievement. Education is a process.. Students who habitually miss class will suffe​r in the evaluation process because their participation and achievement cannot be fully assessed. In the event of a student absence, the parent/guardian should follow the following procedures.

​Attendance must be reported by parents/guardians on day of absence by using following options:

​1. ​ WEB:​​​
2. APP:   SchoolMessenger/Safe Arrival
3. PHONE:​​  ​1-844-435-3440 (Toll Free) OR
​4. ​PHONE:​​​  ​School attendance line at 905-824-1025 ext. 68347 by 12:00 p.m. the same day
This process is to be used for partial or full day absences. Consecutive day absences must be reported to attendance on a regular basis. Any absence without a legitimate reason will be recorded as a Truancy (skip). Multiple truancies can result in suspension. Parents may contact the school at any time if concerned about their son’s/daughter’s attendance.


Any student who arrives late between 8:2​0 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. report directly to class and the teacher will mark their attendance as late. Students arriving after 8:45 a.m. are to report to the Attendance Office to pick up a sign in slip. Approved parent/guardian absences will be confirmed with the student. ​​Students arriving late to school after Period 1 must report to the Attendance Office to sign in and confirm the approved parent/guardian absence(s).

Students needing to leave during the day must should report to the Attendance Office before Period 1, to arrange for leaving early. Students should not be reporting to sign out at the last minute unless ill. Attendance must contact a parent/guardian if a student is ill to notify about the illness and to sign out the student. Students who leave during their lunch and do not return to school for the remainder of the day without parent permission by the next school day, will be marked as Absent.

​​Parents/Guardians should follow the Attendance process as noted earlier. Students must leave the school premises promptly at the time indicated on their SignOut Slip. If a student leaves the school without signing out, without first reporting to the Attendance office and obtaining parent/guardian permission, the absence(s) will be considered a truant (skip from class(es).
​Students 18 years of age or older should follow the same sign in and sign out process and may write their own notes. Students 18 yrs of age are expected to report their own absences by calling the Attendance Office directly at 905-824-1025 ext. 68347 on the day of the absence. Students who are abusing the sign-out privilege will be referred to their vice-principals and could have the privilege taken away.

​We ask students/parents/guardians to kindly adhere to the Attendance Process.

Legal Age of Majority

​Individuals who are eighteen or over are considered adults in the eyes of the law and, as such, have access to all the rights and bear all the responsibilities of an adult. One of these rights is the right to privacy as defined by The Municipal Freedom of Information and Privacy Act(1991). Under this Act the adult’s right to privacy (including release of information with regard to academic, attendance and other school matters) is protected. After a student turns eighteen, this information will not be shared with anyone including parent/guardians without the student’s written consent.

To assist students with this, a letter will be mailed to parents informing them of the status change before the student turns 18. The purpose of the letter is to advise parents of this forthcoming status change. Information items falling into this category include marks, attendance, punctuality, behaviour and discipline and any consequences resulting from these.

On the back of the letter is a form to be completed and signed by a student consenting to the continuation of communication and information between parents/guardians and the school. Until the form is signed and returned to the school’s Attendance Office, all communication with the parent(s) regarding a student will cease after his/her eighteenth birthday.

Students who have attained the legal age of majority (18 years old) may sign their own notes for absences or sign outs as long as they have a valid reason. The same procedures for reporting absences and sign-outs apply to students who are 18 years old or over (i.e. submit absence and sign out notes to the Attendance Office during Period 1). The school administration reserves the right to ask at any time for proof of valid reason for absences or sign outs.
​ ​

Bill 52, The Education Amendment Act, Learning to Age 18

The Education Amendment Act, Learning to Age 18 received Royal Assent on December 20, 2006. This legislation requires that, as of December 20, 2006, all students under 18 years of age be in attendance at school unless they have already graduated or are otherwise excused from attendance at school. Legal reasons for being absent from school (e.g. receiving satisfactory instruction at home or elsewhere) continue to apply.

Students whose birthdays are between September and December are required to stay in school until the last school day in June of the year that they turn 18. Students whose birthdays are during the rest of the year must stay in school until their 18th birthday. Please note that this exactly parallels the previous rules around the school leaving age for 16 year olds.

​​The Dufferin-Peel C.D.S.B. remains committed to the success of all students and will continue to offer all available programming to ensure completion of the Ontario Secondary School graduation requirements.

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