Our Lady of Mount Carmel has proudly and successfully launched the 9th year of our ICT SHSM program. SHSM ICT (Specialist High Skills Major) is a Ministry supported program that allows students to gain added experience in the Information Communication Technology sector and awards them additional accreditation on their diploma upon graduation. The program is for students in Grade 11 and 12 and is open to all students in university, college, apprenticeship and workplace pathways. The program involves taking
4 core technology courses, a 2-credit technology coop opportunity, 3 additional elective credits as well as additional experiential and reach ahead activities and certifications. Our program is designed to give students additional technology skills and opportunities that are increasingly becoming valuable at the post-secondary level and beyond. Our Lady of Mount Carmel has put together an exciting program where students are gaining access to programming in partnerships with numerous local businesses and post-secondary institutions such as University of Guelph Humber, Ryerson University, and Humber and Sheridan Colleges. We also have relationships with industry recognized professionals in the technology industry such as TSN, Google Canada and Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment. We understand you might have additional questions and are inviting you to a parent meeting on
December 7, 2022 via our Google Classroom—CODE: x3pqmam. At this time, we are accepting preliminary applications for Grade 10 students so we can begin the task of course and program planning.
If you are interested in your son/daughter participating in the program, please sign the permission form (see link below) to confirm your interest in the program. Your son/daughter will also need to complete the application form and submit it the Google Classrom upon completion.