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St. Edmund Campion Catholic Secondary School
"Named, Called and Chosen"
  • St. Edmund Campion Catholic Secondary School
  • 275 Brisdale Drive
  • Brampton ON , L7A 3C7
  • Principal: Maria Locicero
  • Vice Principal(s): Gary De Couto
    Kathy McMullin
    Sheena Agius
    Jason Arsenault
  • Superintendents: Viviana Varano
  • Trustee: Darryl D'Souza (Brampton Ward 6, 2 & 5)
    Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi (Caledon Ward 2)
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Ontario Student Loans

OSAP Application opens in the Spring

What is OSAP?
The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) offers two kinds of money: 

  • Grants: money you don't have to pay back
  • Loan: a student loan you need to repay

Both the Ontario government and federal government provide this money.

Through one OSAP application, you have access to a mix of different financial aid programs, depending on your circumstances.

If you apply for OSAP, you are automatically considered for 30% Off Ontario Tuition, too. You don’t need to apply separately.

You can get OSAP to attend a public or private postsecondary school located anywhere in the world, as long as it’s approved for OSAP.

Click here for general information related to applying for OSAP

Click here for 10 need to know facts about OSAP repayment


Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)



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