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St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Elementary School
"Together in Faith and Learning"
  • St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Elementary School
  • 6675 Montevideo Road
  • Mississauga ON , L5N 4E8
  • Principal: Cristina Roda
  • Vice Principal(s): Laura Di Muzio

  • Superintendents: Laura Odo
  • Trustee: Brea Corbet (Mississauga Ward 9)
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​​Welcome to St. Teresa of Avila!

Our current student population from Kindergarten to Grade 8 comes from a wide range of social and ethnic backgrounds reflecting the cultural diversity of Mississauga.  This diversity adds to our cultural and educational richness of our school.

 St. Teresa of Avila has been a beacon for Catholic Education in the Meadowvale area. Catholic Education, rooted in Christ, is a unique way of seeing and interacting with our world.  Through the examples of our master teacher, Christ, our dedicated teachers, and the Virtues Program, we take our calling to support social justice.  Our Catholic view of academics, spiritual and moral development, sacramental preparation, prayer, discipline, and community, challenge us to use our learning for the benefit of others.  We are called to be Christ for others.


School Hours​​​

School Starts - 8:30 a.m.

Morning Recess - 9:55 a.m. - 10:10 a.m.

Lunch   11:33 a.m. - 12:33 p.m.

Afternoon Classes begin - 12:33 p.m.

Afternoon Recess - 1:55 p.m. - 2:10 p.m

Dismissal - 3:00 p.m.


Office Hours

8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


School History

St. Teresa of Avila Separate School, located at 6675 Montevideo Road in Meadowvale, is a community located in the northwestern part of Mississauga, and officially opened on February 2, 1987. The school population reflects the diversity of its community. A large proportion of the community consists of recent immigrants who come from across the globe to find a better life for their children, our students.

On May 30, 1987, the school was blessed, with Fr. Philip Nessinger of St. John of the Cross Parish, officiating. The mahogany cross on top of the building was donated by the late Art Steffler, former school trustee for the Streetsville Separate School Board and the Dufferin-Peel Roman Catholic Separate School Board.

The student population grew along with the community of Meadowvale. St. Teresa of Avila School’s original building could not accommodate its growing school enrolment. As a result, an addition was built and in the Fall of 2001, St. Teresa of Avila School staff welcomed students to their newly renovated facility.

St. Teresa of Avila School is named after St. Teresa of Avila, the patron saint of the sick. The school’s motto “Called to be Christ for Others” reflects the many examples of social justice initiatives the students and staff undertake throughout the year.

School Council 

We would like to thank our parents/guardians who have come forward to be a part of our Catholic School Council (CSC) for the 2023-2024 school year.  Our Catholic School Council is an advisory committee that works to uplift voices in our community and support the work we do at our school to maintain a Catholic community of culture and care.

This year our Catholic School Council members are:


2024-2025 Catholic School​​ Council Members



Catholic School Council Chair

​Nina Graham


​Stacey McLeod


Brenda Morales

​Parish Representative

Catherine Kirkpatrick & Lisa Pimentel

​OAPCE Representative

Catherine Kirkpatrick

Parent Representative

Ken Jim

​Parent Representative

Abby Egonu

​Parent Representative

Andrew Egonu

​Non-Teaching Representative

Claudia Coniglio

​Teaching Representatives

​Ida Lotesto & Emilie Piscitelli


Cristina Roda & Laura DiMuzio


We would like to thank the Catholic School Council for their efforts on behalf of our students.  As a school community we appreciate this continued support and cooperation.

Our next council meetings will be held at 6 pm in the school library on the following dates.  All are welcome!

Wednesday, October 30, 2024 (NEW DATE) 

Wednesday, November 27, 2024​

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Wednesday, May 21, 2025

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 955 3203 6910

Passcode: kU6NdJ

All of our CSC meetings listed above will have an option of virtual attendance. Parents/guardians are always welcome and encouraged to attend our CSC meetings as valuable members of our school community.  The online links for these meetings will be shared with all parents/guardians prior to the meetings via school messenger email communication.

Our aim is to ensure that our CSC meetings are productive meetings.  This means they have a purpose, and respect people's time by ensuring there is a determined beginning and end, organized in the form of an agenda which is jointly created by the principal and Catholic School Council Chair with input from members of the school community.

In the creation of this agenda, a call for agenda items will be sent to CSC members at least two weeks prior to the planned meeting. At the meeting, the items on this agenda are discussed and addressed by the nominated members of the Catholic School Council listed above. If parents/guardians that are not voting members on a school's Catholic School Council, wish to have an item to be considered to be added to the agenda, then these items need to come forward through nominated members of Catholic School Council listed above. This can be facilitated by parents/guardians sending an email to our Catholic School Council Info email account located at This account has been created to support the work of our Catholic School Council.  Any items should be received at least one week prior to the meeting. At such time, the principal and Catholic School Council Chair will review the items submitted and include appropriate items on the Catholic School Council Meeting Agenda.

We again would like to thank all of those members that have come forward to support our Catholic School this year, as well as all of our parents/guardians who continue to support our Catholic school community. We look forward to walking together in service to the families entrusted to our care.

As always, should you have any questions please reach out to our school office.

2024 - 2025 Catholic School Council Approved Min​utes

Approved CSC Minutes- September 18 2024.pdf

2023 - 2024 Catholic School Council Approved Min​utes

Approved CSC Minutes- September 20, 2023.pdf

Approved CSC Minutes- October 25, 2023.pdf

Approved CSC Minutes- November 22 2023.pdf

Approved CSC Minutes- January 24, 2024.pdf

​​Approved CSC Minutes- April 24 2024.pdf

Approved CSC Minutes- May 22 2024.pdf

Catholic School Council Bylaws 2023-2024.pdf

Catholic Code of Conduct

Safe Schools in Dufferin-Peel

Each school's Catholic Code of Conduct applies to all persons involved in any aspect of school life.

In light of its Mission Statement, the Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School Board is committed to the implementation in every school of the Catholic Code of Conduct that clearly reflects the need to provide and sustain a safe, caring, inclusive and healthy Catholic school community in which every student can succeed. The Catholic Code of Conduct serves to support virtue formation and healthy relationships in the context of a vibrant Catholic community. It is responsive to equity and inclusive education, ensuring a whole school approach in the development of a positive Catholic school learning environment for all. Recognizing the complexity of building and sustaining a whole school approach, the Catholic Code of Conduct is committed to progressive and restorative approaches to discipline, ensuring evidence‐informed solutions. All community members will work together to develop spiritually, intellectually, physically, socially, and emotionally by aspiring to the highest possible standards of Catholic behaviour, in living out the gospel values, and by fostering a Catholic culture of respect, inclusion, equity, responsibility and concern for the well‐being of all.

This General Administrative Procedure expands on the Board Policy and is grounded in the transformative potential of individuals. It sets out a board wide expectation of what is included in the Catholic Code of Conduct. In the case of more serious breaches of the board wide expectations, parameters for the progressive range of disciplinary action, which may involve police, outside agencies, suspension, or the initiation of expulsion proceedings, have been set out. In all cases, a degree of latitude has been provided in order to allow school administrators to ascertain that an incident has occurred, to determine the nature of the incident, and to exercise a number of supportive interventions and/or consequences.

The implementation of the Policy and Procedure will be under the general direction of each Superintendent of a Family of Schools or designate.

The purpose of the Catholic Code of Conduct is to ensure that all members of the Catholic school community, especially our most vulnerable, are treated with respect and enjoy a safe, caring, inclusive and healthy environment in which to work and learn. The Catholic Code of Conduct sets standards of behaviour that promote, encourage and foster a shared commitment to gospel values in daily life, respect for the dignity of persons created in God's image, responsible participation in the civic life of the school community, harmonious relationships, peaceful conflict resolution, respect for diversity, and a commitment to exemplary conduct, conscientious work, and service to others. The Catholic Code of Conduct expressly prohibits those behaviours, attitudes and activities that would potentially disrupt learning, harm another person, threaten individual rights or personal safety, undermine the moral tone of the school community, create divisiveness, diminish a person's well‐being, damage property, or disrespect Catholic social teachings.

The board is committed to building and sustaining a school climate that is safe, inclusive and accepting for all students, and to preventing bullying in schools. The board considers homophobia, gender based violence, and harassment on the basis of sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, race, colour, appearance, ethnicity, culture, citizenship, ancestry, origin, religion, creed, family status, socio‐economic status, disability and/or any other immutable characteristic protected by the Human Rights Code, as well as inappropriate sexual behavior. The board supports the use of positive practices to prevent such behaviour and authorizes principals, or their delegates, to impose consequences in appropriate circumstances, up to and including a referral to the Discipline Committee of the Board for expulsion from all schools.
For the purpose of the Suspension and Expulsion Guidelines, the board interprets the provisions of the Education Act and Regulations in a broad and liberal manner consistent with the Human Rights Code as well as aligned regulations / practices.

The Catholic Code of Conduct establishes standards of behaviour for the school community that has far‐ reaching implications. It sets clear parameters for conduct by prescribing what the Catholic school community expects of its members, and by articulating those behaviours that are unwelcome. It helps to shape how we understand our identity as a community of learners, and informs how we approach our respective roles in contributing to the safe, caring, inclusive and healthy school communities we envision. It situates the standards of behaviour for all within the broad context of the distinguishing features of a Catholic community rooted in gospel values.

All schools in the Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School Board community are responsible for the consistent and conscientious administration of the Catholic Code of Conduct by establishing, upholding and enforcing the standards of behaviour at the local school level according to the procedures herein.

The school will communicate a consistent and strong message that all persons have a right to be safe and to feel safe at school and school‐related events. The principal is responsible for clearly articulating the Catholic Code of Conduct to the school community. All members will share responsibility to adhere to the standards of behaviour in the code, and to contribute to the creation of a positive Catholic school climate.

Standards of behaviour for all, found in the Catholic Code of Conduct, respect the teachings of the church and the dignity and rights of all, including persons in authority, while also promoting inclusion, equity and student well‐being. They comply with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws. Standards of behaviour embrace a commitment to developing a Christ‐centered positive school climate, ensuring learning opportunities for all.

A comprehensive plan to disseminate the Catholic Code of Conduct to all members of the community will be undertaken to ensure that all community members are informed that the standards of behaviour apply not only to students, but to all individuals involved in the Dufferin‐Peel school system: trustees, parents/guardians, volunteers, teachers, and support staff, whether they are on school property, on school buses, at school‐ related events or parish activities, or in other circumstances that could have an impact on the school climate.

Characteristics of Caring Catholic Communities
To ensure a positive, safe, caring, inclusive and healthy Catholic school environment, enabling student engagement and student voice, all members of the school community will:

  • respect and comply with all applicable federal, provincial, and municipal laws;
  • respect Catholic Church teachings and traditions;
  • support and/or participate in the liturgical life of the school;
  • strive to live a virtuous life in accordance with gospel values;
  • respect the dignity and rights of others;
  • demonstrate respect for persons in positions of authority;
  • use verbal and non‐verbal communication appropriate to a Catholic environment;
  • respect and celebrate diversity;
  • respect and treat others fairly, regardless of, for example, race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, appearance, ethnic origin, citizenship, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, marital or family status, economic status, disability or exceptionality;
  • respect the need for others to work in an environment that is conducive to learning and strive to reconcile differences working toward restorative amends;
  • resolve conflicts peacefully, seeking assistance from staff, if necessary;
  • take appropriate measures to help those in need, especially the most vulnerable;
  • acknowledge and support those who might otherwise be marginalized;
  • be punctual, prepared, properly attired, and attentive to the learning/work process;
  • strive to do one's personal best and actively cultivate talents for the service of ot
  • hers;
  • demonstrate honesty and integrity;
  • show proper care and regard for school property and the property of others;
  • exercise wise stewardship and conservation of resources within the community;
  • use computers, social networking, technological aides and other specialized equipment for sanctioned activities only;
  • respect board policy regarding use of personal electronic devices;
  • use personal electronic devices (PED's) in a responsible and respectful manner.



The local school community, under the leadership of the school principal, will undertake a comprehensive school‐wide approach to upholding the Catholic Code of Conduct, ensuring the development of a faith‐filled, positive school climate. The school plan will provide its members with the necessary information, skills, disciplinary protocols and professional development to:

  1. live up to their responsibilities to contribute positively to a safe, caring, inclusive and healthy Catholic community;
  2. avoid actions that would contravene the code and thereby negatively impact the community.

It is the expectation of the board that, provided there is no immediate risk of physical harm to any individual, staff members who work directly with pupils on a regular basis shall respond to any inappropriate and disrespectful behaviour or any other behaviour that causes a negative school climate for which a suspension or expulsion may be imposed, which they have observed or heard during the course of their duties or otherwise while on school property or during a school related event.
The process to consistently uphold the Catholic Code of Conduct will be guided by the Philosophy of Progressive Discipline which offers a philosophical construct and guiding principles from which prevention, intervention and response protocols naturally emerge.

The Philosophy of Progressive Discipline

Central to the practice of progressive discipline is a safe, caring and inclusive community that collaborates, communicates, and consults in crafting a comprehensive system of supports that ensures the school's collective commitment to uphold the standards of the Catholic Code of Conduct, ensuring learning for all our students. Progressive discipline exists at all times to support the growth of all students. It includes a range of proactive strategies that foster Catholic community and aim to prevent problems before they occur. At the school level, progressive discipline includes positive classroom management strategies, bullying prevention and intervention supports and school‐wide programs that teach pro‐social skills, provide support for all students, promote virtue formation, and foster Catholic values.

The Catholic school approach to progressive discipline combines prevention and intervention strategies and discipline with opportunities for students to continue their education. Focusing on prevention and early intervention strategies helps prevent unsafe or inappropriate behaviours in school.

Progressive discipline is based on a belief that there are myriad strategies for learning. This belief is rooted in Jesus' model of discipleship and his code of  "beatitude living" that guides the practice of progressive discipline in Dufferin‐Peel school communities. Progressive discipline shifts the focus from one that is solely punitive to one that is corrective, supportive and transformative. Progressive discipline acknowledges the value of a staged approach to discipline that is tailored to meet the unique needs of the student, taking the mitigating and other factors into account at all stages along the continuum of progressive discipline. Each student is seen as wrapped in a "'Quilt of Supports" comprised of all the people who interact with the student, and all those who could be called upon to provide additional support (e.g. social worker, child and youth worker, psychologist, speech and language pathologist).


Progressive discipline invites schools to use "a range of interventions, supports and consequences that are developmentally and socio‐emotionally appropriate and include learning opportunities for reinforcing positive behavior while helping students make better choices." (PPM No. 145).

When a challenging behaviour occurs, the principal ensures due process and fair treatment for all students involved in the incident. Progressive discipline ensures consistency in process while affording a differentiated response to suit the individuals and circumstances of the incident. The appropriate action in response to challenging behaviours may take the form of an intervention, a support and/or a consequence. When enforcing the Catholic Code of Conduct at the classroom, school, and board level, staff will undertake a broadly collaborative process in determining the most appropriate response to address a challenging behavior.

All members of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Community are expected to:

  • adhere to the standards of behaviour in the Catholic Code of Conduct;
  • acknowledge and defend the rights of others;
  • take personal responsibility for their actions;
  • fulfill the duties of their respective roles in service to others;
  • positively contribute to the creation of a safe, caring, inclusive and healthy Catholic learning community.

The Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School Board provides leadership to all schools and board facilities to ensure equal opportunity for all to a safe, caring, inclusive and healthy learning and work environment. The board will develop and review policies and procedures that establish standards of behavior, prevention and intervention programs, progressive discipline response protocols, education and training programs for school community members, and partnerships with parish and community agencies. The board will be responsible for ensuring that academic excellence, exemplary professional practice, accountability and transparency. Civic responsibility and a rich experience of faith formation pervade the Catholic school community. The board fulfills these responsibilities by:

    • developing policies that set out how schools/board facilities will implement and enforce the Catholic Code of Conduct and all other rules that promote and support respect, civility, Catholic service, responsible citizenship, safety, and the conditions necessary for an optimal learning and work environment for all;
    • reviewing these policies regularly with staff, students, parents/guardians, volunteers, and the community;
    • seeking input from Central Committee of Catholic School Councils (CCCSC), Catholic School Councils, the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC), parents/guardians, students, staff members, and the school community;
    • establishing a process that clearly communicates Catholic Code of Conduct to all staff, students, parents/guardians, volunteers, and the wider community, in order to obtain their commitment and support in its implementation;
    • ensuring a clear process for the reporting and monitoring of violent incidents;
    • providing system‐wide direction to embed the Catholic imperatives implicit in the Catholic Code of Conduct by vigorous promotion of virtue formation and dedication to the gospel messages of compassion, love, forgiveness, and service;
    • developing, promulgating and monitoring progressive discipline protocols that guide enforcement of the Catholic Code of Conduct and all policies related to securing a safe, caring, inclusive and healthy school climate;
    • cultivating strong partnerships with parish and community partners;
    • providing professional development for system leaders to assist them in ensuring adherence and enforcement of the Catholic Code of Conduct at the local school level.


The Board of Trustees of the Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School Board play a significant role in providing leadership regarding the Catholic Code of Conduct and board policies and procedures related to progressive discipline and school safety. Trustee members oversee the development and consistent implementation of board policies by:

    • studying, reviewing and approving all policies/regulations, and subsequent changes, related to standards of conduct, progressive discipline and school safety;
    • ensuring that these policies/regulations reflect the mission of Catholic education as articulated in the

Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations;

    • hearing all suspension appeals and deciding on recommendations for expulsions;
    • ensuring that when considering suspension appeals and expulsion recommendations, consideration is given to whether or not the discipline might have a disproportionate impact on a pupil protected by the Human Rights Code and/or exacerbate the pupil's disadvantaged position in society;
    • hearing delegations from concerned community members.

The principal will provide leadership at the local school level in the administration of the Catholic Code of Conduct by modeling servant leadership; cultivating an authentic safe, caring and inclusive Catholic culture; empowering staff commitment and student involvement in the life of the school; promoting the highest possible standards of conduct and special care for the most vulnerable; ensuring consistent enforcement of school expectations using the board‐approved progressive discipline protocol; providing staff development opportunities regarding positive school climate and safety; cultivating strong partnerships with parish and community agencies.
The principal will fulfill these responsibilities by:

    • demonstrating care and commitment to academic excellence within a safe, caring, inclusive teaching/learning environment;
    • educating the school community with respect to the Catholic Code of Conduct and the gospel imperatives implicit in the code;
    • holding everyone under their authority accountable for their behaviour and actions, emphasizing the importance of self‐discipline, respect, kindness and courtesy;
    • modeling gospel values in all areas of leadership, including matters of conduct and safety;
    • creating opportunities for community members to gather for prayer and liturgy to cultivate a shared commitment to the creation of a safe, caring, inclusive and healthy Catholic community;
    • empowering students to be positive leaders in their school and community, enabling opportunities for student engagement and student voice;
    • enabling community members to undertake Catholic service projects including environmental and social justice initiatives;
    • facilitating school‐wide participation in the virtues program and other pro‐social training programs;
    • facilitating a school‐wide approach to the development of a positive school climate;
    • communicating regularly and meaningfully with all members of their school community;
    • training school staff and monitoring the implementation of board‐approved progressive discipline protocols to ensure optimal conditions for a positive work/learning environment;
    •  implementing the board process for the reporting and monitoring of violent incidents and/or incidents that may lead to suspension and/or expulsion;
    • cultivating and maintaining strong partnerships with parents/guardians, parish and community partners.

Under the leadership of the principal, school staff will maintain order in the school and act as positive role models for students. Staff will work collaboratively to hold everyone in their care to the highest standard of respectful and responsible behaviour, and to ensure that high standards of professional practice are maintained. Teachers and support staff will uphold standards of excellence for students by:

    • demonstrating respect for all students, staff, parents/guardians, volunteers, and the members of the school community;
    • nurturing a vibrant Catholic learning environment where excellence in personal conduct, high standards of academic performance, and faith formation are actively cultivated;
    • striving to prepare students for the full responsibilities of citizenship and      personhood, as shaped by the Catholic faith tradition;
    • helping students to develop a sense of self‐worth, to work to their God‐given potential, and to be positive leaders in the classroom, school, parish and community;
    • providing students with opportunities to exercise Catholic service and wise stewardship;
    • assisting students in the exercise of personal conscience in discerning right choices;
    • reporting any incidents that may lead to suspension and/or expulsion utilizing Safe Schools Incident Reporting Form‐ Part l;
    • communicating regularly and meaningfully with parents/guardians;
    • collaborating with colleagues in exercising preventative and proactive strategies to maintain high standards of behaviour, consistently utilizing board‐approved progressive discipline protocols.


The Ontario Catholic School Graduation Expectations provide an image of the Catholic learner and a vision for the graduate of Catholic schools in Ontario. These distinctive expectations are shaped by a vision and destiny of the human person that emerges from the Catholic faith tradition and is best understood within the context of a human journey accomplished in community, in solidarity with brothers and sisters in the Church, and beyond. These expectations provide the broader vision within which the Catholic Code of Conduct is situated.

The Ontario Catholic School Graduate is expected to be:

      • A discerning believer formed in the Catholic faith community who celebrates the signs and sacred mystery of God's presence through word, sacrament, prayer, forgiveness, reflection and moral living.
      • An effective communicator who speaks, writes, and listens honestly and sensitively, responding critically in light of gospel values.
      • A reflective, creative and holistic thinker who solves problems and makes responsible decisions with an informed moral conscience for the common good.
      • A self-directed, responsible, lifelong learner who develops and demonstrates their God-given potential.
      • A collaborative contributor who finds meaning, dignity and vocation in work, which respects the rights of all and contributes to the common good.
      • A caring family member who attends to family, school, parish and the wider community.
      • A responsible citizen who gives witness to Catholic social teaching by promoting peace, justice and the sacredness of human life.

 *Institute for Catholic Education

Students of the Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School Board are our cherished hope for the future and the sacred trust of Catholic education. Students are to be treated with respect and dignity at all times. Staff, parents/guardians and parish will strive to prepare students to answer the call of discipleship. The Catholic curricula and culture help in the formation of students as they discern a meaningful vocation and develop a zealous commitment in service to God, family and community. This holistic Catholic formation effectively integrates faith and life in a learning process that is distinctively rooted in gospel values while effectively implementing Ministry of Education course/program expectations. ln our Catholic community, all students are expected to uphold the highest standards of personal conduct, to strive for academic excellence, to positively contribute to the community life of the school and to embrace the gospel values and living traditions of the Catholic Church, as articulated in the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations.
Students will exercise self‐discipline in their respect for self, staff, fellow students, school property and the property of others. They will take full responsibility for their own actions and strive to live up to the expectations of the Catholic Code of Conduct and all other board/school/class expectations, policies and procedures. They will work towards achieving a virtuous lifestyle, high standards of personal conduct and academic performance, active participation in leadership and service initiatives, concern for the environment, and compassion for those in need. Students fulfill these responsibilities by:
              ·       coming to school prepared, on time, ready to learn, and properly attired;

    • striving for excellence in personal conduct and academic performance;
    • cultivating opportunities to develop talents and strengthen personal leadership skills;
    • demonstrating courteous behaviour to fellow pupils and staff;
    • contributing to an inclusive school culture by advocating that no student be excluded;
    • defending the rights of fellow students by reporting and/or safely intervening when the rights of others are threatened or violated;
    • cultivating a virtuous life through a commitment to gospel values and service to others;
    • participating respectfully in the faith life and liturgical practices of the school community (sacraments, retreats, religion courses, etc.);
    • participating in school programs related to wise stewardship of resources, human and other;
    • accepting school discipline as necessary for personal growth, and as an extension of the responsibilities that would be exercised by a kind, firm and judicious parent/guardian;
    • refraining from bringing anything to school that may compromise the safety of others;
    • acknowledging that school safety is a shared responsibility that depends on student commitment and involvement.


Parents/guardians play an important role in the education of their children and can support the school in maintaining a safe and positive learning environment for all students. Parents/guardians fulfill their responsibilities when they affirm the distinctive Catholic culture of the school, ensure that their child regularly attends school and is ready to learn, help their child to adhere to the Catholic Code of Conduct and other expectations, communicate regularly with the school regarding their child's progress, encourage their child to cultivate leadership skills and demonstrate gospel values, and assist school staff in dealing with disciplinary concerns involving their child.

The in‐school support team (team) meets regularly and frequently for the purpose of consultation, problem solving, and the development of strength‐based solutions that focus on positive change for the student. The consultation process may address one or more areas of the student's life including academic, personal and behavioural issues. The Catholic Code of Conduct frames the context in which student behaviour is witnessed and assessed by staff. Upon witnessing a minor challenging behaviour a staff member may initiate a hypothetical consultation with one or more of the team members in order to find ways to prevent future occurrences. However, if challenging behaviours persist and/or escalate, then consultation with the team may require that the concerned adult share particulars about the student(s) either through an informal one‐on‐one dialogue with a team member, or in a more formalized team meeting. At this meeting, several of the following team members may be present: administrator, classroom teacher, educational resource worker, psychologist, speech and language pathologist, child and youth worker, social worker, special education resource teacher, itinerant/board‐wide resource staff, and a parent/guardian.

The parish, in the person of the pastor or other parish staff members, is at the heart of the faith life of the Catholic school community and collaborates with the school in fostering a deep and lasting connection between students and families and the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church. The parish will assist families and schools in the immediate preparation of students for receipt of the sacraments (as outlined in the Archdiocesan Sacramental Norms), in the regular celebration of Eucharist and other prayer services with   the school community, by offering advice to staff re: Church teachings in the faith formation of students, and by being a visible presence in the school, as time permits.

Community supports assist the school in reinforcing consistent messaging regarding expected standards of behaviour and in providing services that enhance the school's ability to ensure a safe and caring school community. Community agencies and/or other community cooperatives and/or liaisons have an expanded influence in the wider community and are valuable resources in the front‐line delivery of prevention and/or intervention programs that strengthen the school's commitment to provide a holistic education that prepares students to contribute to society.

School principals are encouraged to consider the valuable resources in the community and are to cultivate on‐ going relationships with community connections in order to facilitate youth leadership opportunities, and to strengthen communication and collaboration amongst home, school, parish and community members. The board and local schools will collaborate in developing consistent processes for the engagement of meaningful connections with the communities.

Police are essential partners in making our schools and communities safe. Police provide ongoing education programs in schools, tactical response in the event of emergencies, and through the Neighbourhood Policing Unit (NPU) offer a consistent presence and support at the school level. Police investigate incidents in accordance with the Board Police and School Response Protocol which is based on a provincial model developed by the Ministry of the Solicitor General and the Ministry of Education.



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