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St. Augustine Catholic Secondary School
"Ever Ancient Ever New"
  • St. Augustine Catholic Secondary School
  • 27 Drinkwater Road
  • Brampton ON , L6Y 4T6
  • Principal: Sophia Maloney
  • Vice Principal(s): Teddi Lowie
    Antony Pallotta

  • Superintendents: Brian Diogo
  • Trustee: Anisha Thomas (Brampton Ward 4, 1 & 3)
    Darryl D'Souza (Brampton Ward 5, 6)
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​​​Construction SHSM

​​Do you love to build things with your hands? Does the idea of being in an office all-day seem unappealing? A Construction SHSM might be the right path for you! Talk to your guidance counsellor today to find out how to get started!

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YouTube Video Link  

​​​Transportation SHSM​

​​Does STEM education interest you? 🚍🚅🚘 You could be exposed to all kinds of STEM opportunities in a Transportation SHSM such​ as automotive service technician, truck and coach, motorcycle, marine, automotive engineering and design.  Build your resume while in high school with a SHSM! Talk to your guidance counsellor for more info.

​​SHSM Transportation-1080-1350.jpg

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