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St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Elementary School
"Living Our Vision Every Day"
  • St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Elementary School
  • 2480 Thornlodge Drive
  • Mississauga ON , L5K 1K5
  • Principal: Janice Barca
  • Vice Principal(s): Tammie Cameron

  • Superintendents: Drago Radic
  • Trustee: Herman Viloria (Mississauga Ward 2, 8)
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School Policies

Catholic Code of Conduct

Please review the Catholic Code of Conduct here.

Kiss N' Ride: Students must be dropped off within the Kiss and Ride lane only in the morning. There can be no stopping or parking in any of the Kiss n Ride lanes at any time. The additional lanes are reserved for bussing and fire route zones. Students must open and close their own door, exit the vehicle and proceed to the schoolyard. If you wish to park your vehicle at the end of the day for pick up, please do so in designated parking areas.   The school cannot be responsible for fines issued to drivers for any infractions of the above directions.

School Visitors: All visitors must use the entry system located at the front of the school and "buzz in" at the office to request entry.  Visitors are asked must identify themselves by coming to the main office first before going anywhere else in the school building or on the school grounds and sign in using the Visitor log. All messages to students or deliveries (such as lunches, keys, clothing items etc.) are handled through the main office. School staff is directed to ask anyone in the school who is not wearing a visitor sticker to report to the main office. In the interest of overall safety for our students, it is essential that such procedures be strictly followed. All exit doors will be locked throughout the school day.

Emergency Evacuation Plan: In the unforeseen event that the school should have an emergency, the staff and students will be evacuated to: St. Francis of Assisi Church, 2473 Thornlodge Dr., 905 - 822-8132 Safety regulations and School Board Policy require us to have this contingency plan in place. In such an event, your child will remain at St. Francis of Assisi Church until further notice.

Medical Alert / Peanut Allergies: The school does have students with severe life threatening nut / peanut allergies. These allergies prevent students from eating any kind of nuts or having any product which contains peanut oil. The school strives to keep all of our students safe by encouraging students to bring snacks and lunches that are nut free. Parents/ Guardians are notified via letter if their child is in a classroom with an Allergy Student.

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