Student Punctuality: It is the school's expectation that all students arrive on time and be prepared for class. Promptness and regularity is a desirable attendance pattern and by instilling such habits early in life, it is hoped that punctuality and dependability will be traits that will be a part of the future of each of our students. Late arrival, not only disturbs the class and interrupts the lesson, but also means that your son/daughter is missing important instructional time.
Student Absences: When your child is absent, you are asked to let us know by calling the school and leaving the information on the answering machine. The school phone number is 905 822-3183. Please call to report the absence by stating your childÍs name, grade and the name of the teacher. If you do not inform the school, we will make every attempt to contact you and verify the absence. The call is made to check as to whether your child has arrived safely to school.
Car Transportation: Parents are expected to use the Kiss & Ride lane to drop off and pick up students.
Kiss N' Ride: Students must be dropped off at the stop sign at the end of the Kiss and Ride lane in the morning. Students must open and close their own door, exit the vehicle and proceed to the schoolyard. Intermediate students wearing a green vest will assist in escorting the Kindergarten students to their courtyard. If you wish to park your vehicle at the end of the day for pick up, please do so in the parking lot or any other designated parking area. There can be no stopping or parking in any of the Kiss n Ride lanes at any time. Please understand that the school cannot be responsible for fines issued to drivers for any infractions of the above directions.
School Visitors: All visitors to the school must identify themselves by coming to the main office first before going anywhere else in the school building or on the school grounds. All messages to students or deliveries (such as lunches, keys, clothing items etc.) are handled through the main office and not by going directly to the classrooms. School staff is directed to ask anyone in the school who is not wearing a visitor sticker to report to the main office. In the interest of overall safety for our students, it is essential that such procedures be strictly followed. All exit doors will be locked throughout the school day; the South doors will be opened only during recess time.
Lunch Contracts: All students must submit a Lunch Contract signed by parent/ guardian and student. The lunch contract informs the classroom teacher of what the parent/guardian's expectations are for their child during the lunch hour. Students who do stay for lunch are not permitted to leave the school property without a signed and dated note from the parent/guardian each time they leave the school grounds. Students staying for lunch must abide by the schoolÍs expectations and guidelines.
Emergency Evacuation Plan: In the unforeseen event that the school should have an emergency, the staff and students will be evacuated to: St. Francis of Assisi Church, 2473 Thornlodge Dr., 905 - 822-8132 Safety regulations and School Board Policy require us to have this contingency plan in place. In such an event, your child will remain at St. Francis of Assisi Church until further notice.
Medication At School: In order for the school to store and or administer medications to students, your doctor must complete a form provided by the school. This includes daily medication as well as short-term emergency administrations. For safety reasons students are not allowed to have any form of medication on their person or in the classroom.
Medical Alert / Peanut Allergies: The school does have students with severe life threatening nut / peanut allergies. These allergies prevent students from eating any kind of nuts or having any product which contains peanut oil. The school strives to keep all of our students safe by encouraging students to bring snacks and lunches that are nut free. Parents/ Guardians are notified via letter if their child is in a classroom with an Allergy Student.
Bus Transportation: Things you should know: Time Schedules provided by the school are approximate. Students should be at their stop at least five minutes before the designated times. Parents are responsible for ensuring their child's safety in getting to and from their bus stop and while at the stop.
Just a reminder - the Board is responsible for transportation from bus stop to school and school to bus stop only. Parents are responsible for transportation arrangements regarding their children's appointments, visits to friends, birthday parties, etc. Transportation is NOT provided for students that are out of bounds. The entry, exit and bus zone in front of the school must be kept clear of cars to allow access for school buses and to reduce traffic hazards to children.
Parents, please go over the bus policy with your children. For their own safety students are expected to obey the following rules:
- Board the bus in a single line, without pushing or shoving
- Remain seated while the bus is moving
- Talk quietly
- Do not eat or drink on the bus
- Keep hands and arms inside the window
- Cross the street in front of the bus
Every effort must me made to maintain a high standard of discipline and safety in the operation of school buses.
Lines of Communication: Both parents/guardians and teachers are encouraged to contact each other immediately, if there are items that need to be discussed concerning students. No one should feel that the formal interview period in late November is the only time for initial communication. The school continues to have an open door policy and believes that constructive dialogue is always welcome.
Sacramental and Religious Instruction: Religion is integrated within all aspects of the educational experience and that is one of the reasons we can say that Catholic Schools are schools with a difference. The children in our school, with the help of parents, priests and teachers are made ready to receive the Sacraments. All children must take part in religious instruction and celebrations and may not be excused from participation. We also encourage the children to attend Sunday Mass regularly with their parents/guardians as the Mass is the center of our worship. Father Facey will continue to visit our classes on a regular basis. We look forward to another year as we continue our journey along God's path.
Outdoor Recess: It is important that students do not spend the entire day indoors unless of course, rain, very cold temperatures or other inclement weather requires the children to remain indoors. If a student is too ill to go outside, he/she should probably not be at school on that day. Unless a doctor's note is sent (indicating the reason and the time period that permission to not go outside is granted), all children are expected to spend their recess time outdoors. Children must also be dressed appropriately for the season.
Appropriate Dress: Neat, tasteful and appropriate clothing is an important aspect of any environment where teaching and learning are to be taken seriously. The wearing of pants too far below the waistline (for male students) and cropped tops or tank tops (for female students) are two aspects of dress that are inappropriate especially for students in Grades 6-8. The wearing of bandanas, kerchiefs and other articles of headwear or neckwear are also inappropriate. All of our students are encouraged to dress in keeping with the values and traditions of our Catholic School.
Code of Student Behaviour and Discipline: It is our goal to have a well-disciplined school and to enable our students to choose appropriate behaviour and to develop the skills for life long learning. Together, parents/guardians, teachers and students can help each other recognize that appropriate behaviour is learned and self-discipline is a sign of growth. The ultimate purpose of any applied discipline will be to teach from the heart as we discipline with dignity! What does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with God. (Micah)
The development of a School Code of Student Behaviour and Discipline was established in order to help students become more aware of their responsibilities and their rights. The St. Francis of assisi Code of Student Behaviour and Discipline has been developed in accordance with the guiding principles of the Safe Schools Act enacted by the Ministry of Education in June 2000. Our hope is that it will serve the members of our school community well by creating a common philosophy and understanding upon which safe learning and working environments can be maintained.
Personal and Precious Belongings: The school advises students not to bring to school any items considered to be personal and / or valuable. Items that would fall under this category include - Walkman radios, cell phones, handheld computer games, jewelry, favourite toys, large amounts of money etc. Too frequently, students are upset and disappointed when their belongings are damaged or lost. Teachers are not able to look after valuable personal effects and the school cannot accept responsibility or liability for damaged or lost personal belongings. In addition, such items take away from one of the primary focuses of schoolƒnamely, a professional teaching and learning environment for all.
Personal Electronic Devices: Please read the Board policy on PED's here.