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St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School
"Faith Hope Love"
  • St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School
  • 25 Corporation Drive
  • Brampton ON , L6S 6A2
  • Principal: Peter Petruccelli
  • Vice Principal(s): Tania Altieri
    Dionne Dornford Small
    Elizabete Rego

  • Superintendents: Brian Diogo
  • Trustee: Shawn Xaviour (Brampton Ward 8, 7)
    Anisha Thomas (Brampton Ward 3)
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The Importance of Arts Education

St. Thomas Aquinas

Regional Centre For The Arts


Experience in the Arts plays a valuable role in the education of all students:
*Students will develop their creativity; learn about their own identity, and develop self-awareness.
*Students deepen their appreciation of diverse perspectives and develop the ability to approach others with openness and flexibility. *Learning through the Arts; therefore, fosters integration of students' cognitive, emotional, sensory and motor capacities, and enables students, with a wide variety of learning styles, to increase their learning potential. "(ONTARIO ARTS CURRICULUM 2010)
*Links are clearly made between the Arts and other Academic areas.
*An Arts education prepares students for the fast-paced changes and the creative economy of the 21st Century through:

                  • Communication skills
                  • Problem-solving skills
                  • Creativity and innovation
                  • Adaptability and teamwork
                  • Resourcefulness


Sir Ken Robinson: "Do schools kill creativity?" | TED Talks -

Go to Schools Kill Creativity

Prince Ea - "Everybody Dies, But Not Everybody Lives"

Go to Not Everybody Lives

Extra arts education boosts students' writing scores

Why Drama and Dance Matter!

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