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Metropolitan Andrei Catholic Elementary School
"Learn, Love, Give, Lead"
  • Metropolitan Andrei Catholic Elementary School
  • 515 Mississauga Valley Blvd
  • Mississauga ON , L5A 3G6
  • Principal: Ekwy Odozor
  • Vice Principal(s): Sarah Richer

  • Superintendents: Dulcie Belchior
  • Trustee: Stefano Pascucci (Mississauga Ward 4)
    Bruno Iannicca (Mississauga Ward 7)
+More School Info
School Site 


​​Welcome to the website of Metropolitan Andrei Catholic School

Thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in Metropolitan Andrei School!
For any questions about registering your child(ren), please contact us at:

📞 905-270-4151   

To learn more about registration for the current school year,

click here

School Information / School Hours:

  • Start Time: 8:30 AM (Supervision begins at 8:15 AM)
  • Lunch Hour: 11:31 AM – 12:31 PM
  • Dismissal Time: 3:00 PM

School Bus Transportation 

Eligibility is based on distance criteria:

  • Kindergarten & Grade 1: 1.0 kilometer or more
  • Grades 2–4: 1.6 kilometers or more
  • Grades 5–8: 2.0 kilometers or more

Contacting STOPR (Student Transportation of Peel Region):

  • Website: (Provides updates on delays, cancellations, and transportation policies.)
  • Bus Information: (Check school eligibility, bus stop locations, and pickup/drop-off times.)
  • Phone:
    • Local: 905-890-6000
    • Toll-Free: 1-800-668-1140

Traffic Safety: Kiss’n’Ride --- Safety First!

Thank you to all parents for safely using the Kiss’n’Ride drop-off area. Your patience and courtesy create a safe environment for everyone. Here are a few important reminders:

Stay in Your Vehicle: Drivers should remain in their cars in the Kiss’n’Ride lane. Children should exit the vehicle from the sidewalk side only.
  • Need Assistance? If your child needs help exiting the vehicle, please park on the street and walk your child to the school safely.
  • Pull Forward: Pull as far forward as possible in the Kiss’n’Ride lane before letting your child exit.
  • Curb Lane Only: Ensure children exit the car only in the curb lane; avoid blocking the drive-thru lane.
  • Arrive Early: Arriving between 8:15 and 8:20 AM reduces traffic congestion.

Thank you for prioritizing the safety of our students and community by following these guidelines!




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