2024/25 School Year
EQAO Math Night for Parents and Guardians COMING SOON!
EQAO staff are hosting free LIVE webinars for parents and guardians.
Staff will discuss math questions that Ontario students encounter when they participate in Ontario’s large-scale assessments in Grades 3, 6 and 9. During the webinar, EQAO staff will show how these math questions help assess the skills students are learning in their math classes. Staff will also share valuable insights from the past three years of assessment results, which can help parents and guardians support their children’s math learning.
We invite you to share this information and the registration links with families in your school community.
Webinar Registration Links:
For questions or more information, please contact Maria Riverso, Academic Coordinator, Mathematics, ext. 24533.
Semester 2 Calendar Days
Semester 2 Calendar of days 2024 2025.pdf

ENG4U in the UK Summer School Course, See Informtion Flyer Below. Information Session is Tuesday, January 28, 2025.
2025 - DPCDSB English in the UK - Info Session Flyer.pdf

Semester 2 Student Timetable Information:
Student timetables for Semester 2 will be emailed to student accounts by the school board over the next couple of days. Please review the following important reminders for each grade level:
Grade 9 Students:
Grade 10 Students:
Only level changes (e.g., academic to applied, applied to academic) will be permitted.
Elective course changes will not be allowed.
Grade 11 & 12 Students:
Course change forms will be available for pick-up in the Guidance Office on Monday, February 3, and Tuesday, February 4.
Completed forms must be submitted no later than 8:45 a.m. on Wednesday, February 5.
Guidance counsellors will not be available for individual appointments until after February 5. They will, however, reach out to students requiring programming changes due to Semester 1 results and graduation requirements on Friday, January 31, and Monday, February 3.
Important Notes for All Students:
Students must attend the classes assigned on their timetables.
Course changes are not guaranteed and are subject to scheduling conflicts and class capacity limits.
Grade 12 students are only permitted to have one spare period.
Grade 12 Students – Ontario College Applications:
Applications to Ontario colleges for certificate, diploma, and degree programs are due by Saturday, February 1. Please ensure you submit your application before the deadline.
The City of Brampton's Black Excellence Leadership Award
Nomination of Students for the BHM Black Excellence Leadership Award - City of Brampton.pdf

2025 Peel Police Youth In Policing- Paid employment summer opportunity for high school students.
Students aged 15-18 are eligible to apply and the application process begins today and ends on January 27, 2025.
The students can apply online on the Peel Police website: https://www.peelpolice.ca/en/work-with-us/youth-in-policing.aspx#How-to-apply
Important information regarding the Semester 1 Examination Period:
Exam Letter JANUARY 2025 (002).pdf
Please see the link below on:
How to have a balanced Christmas Break
Jingle at CA- A Celebration of the Arts

Direction to bussed students in the event of inclement weather:
StopR Fall-Winter Newsletter.pdf
Post-Secondary Fair

Black Excellence Professional Expo
Guest Invite Expo 2024.pdf
Important Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, October 23rd ~ Parent Teacher Interview Night @ Cardinal Ambrozic ~ 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Wednesday, November 6th ~ University Fair at Cardinal Ambrozic ~ 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Wednesday, November 13th ~ Academic Awards Night at Cardinal Ambrozic ~ 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Wednesday, November 20th ~ Grade 8 Information Night at Cardinal Ambrozic ~ 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Orange Shirt Day (4).pdf
Parenting in the Digital Age_ Workshop Flyer October 2024.pdf
School Refusal and Absenteeism_ Workshop Flyer_ 2024.pdf
McCarthy Uniforms Moving Poster - LETTER.pdf