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Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School
"We are God’s Hands"
  • Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School
  • 10 Castle Oaks Crossing
  • Brampton ON , L6P3A2
  • Principal: Tino Malta
  • Vice Principal(s): Andrew Rulli
    Clementine D'Souza
    Lina Iacobucci

  • Superintendents: Brian Diogo
  • Trustee: Shawn Xaviour (Brampton Ward 10, 8)
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Attendance Procedures

Cardinal Ambrozic Attendance Procedure

Parental / Guardian Procedures

In the event of any absence or late the parent / guardian is required to:

Notify the Attendance Office at 905-913-2989 before 9:00 a.m. on the day of the absence; provide the student's name, grade and reason for the absence


Student Responsibilities

  • To ensure a parent has called in to the Attendance Office verify their absence/late
  • Report to the Attendance Office to sign in/sign out
  • In the event a parent cannot be contacted upon the students return to school and in absence of a note from home or message left by parent with attendance, students will receive a "Pending Verification" slip. This should be presented to each one of their teachers and then taken home to their parent/guardian to have them call in to verify their absence/late.
  • Once the parent/guardian calls in to verify the "Pending Verification" slip, the student should then receive an Admit Slip from the Attendance Office the next morning.
  • Once a student receives an Admit Slip, they are to keep it to show all of their teachers that their absence/late has now been verified

    Students without an Admit Slip will not be permitted to class and will be re-directed to the Main Office to meet with an administrator.

    Sign-Out Procedures

    A student who must leave school during the day must have a parent call the morning of and/or submit a dated and signed note from the parent / guardian to the Attendance Secretary before the beginning of the school day.  Parent contact (verbal or written) must be made before a student may receive a release slip from the secretary.  The Release Slip acts as an Admit Slip upon your return.  If a student leaves school without signing out, the absence will be considered as a Truant class.

    Late to School

    Students that arrive to class after the bell at 8:45 AM will be recorded as LATE by their classroom teacher.  Students will be admitted to class by the teacher until 9:15am. Students arriving after 9:15am must sign in with the Attendance Office and must have a parent call in ahead of time and/or send a note excusing the students late. 

    Late to Class

    Students that arrive after the bell at the start of class will be recorded as LATE by their teacher and admitted to class. If a student arrives after the attendance has been sent down students are required to receive and Admit Slip from the attendance office.

    Exam Absences & Holiday / Extended Absences

    Please refer to the Dufferin-Peel Assessment & Evaluation Companion Document.  A student who is absent from a scheduled exam due to vacation will be assigned a mark of zero.

    Absent? Missed Work? Check the teacher website for missed worked.
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